Monday, February 10, 2020

NONFICTION BOOK REVIEW #2020-013 - Jesus Ascended. What Does That Mean?: Jesus’ Final 40-Day Lesson


I received a MOBI.file for this book from the author through a giveaway he had on LibraryThing, and the following is my honest opinion.

Anyone who is a [devout] Christian believes, knows and accepts that Jesus had died on the cross for their sins. And those who now come to the Lord for the first and take Him as their Savoir are likewise transformed and freed of their sins. 

During the Lord’s time here on earth, he had been a Great Teacher, teaching anyone who would listen to Him, a far better way in which to live their lives. There are scores of books that discuss this period in great detail as there are scores that deal with what happened after the Lord’s Resurrection.

No one gets instantly transformed the moment they come to and believe in the Savoir, and neither had this been the case for any of His Apostles until after His resurrection.

Despite all the nonfiction Christian books I’ve read/reviewed, I still consider myself being a layperson, however, what amazes me the most is there had been 40 days between the Lord’s resurrection and His ascension to Heaven. The number 40 is quite significant in the Bible.

It rained for 40 days/nights [GENSIS 7:12].
Moses spent 40 years tending flocks in the desert after killing the Egyptian [ACTS 7:30].
Moses spent 40 days/nights on Mt. Sinai [EXODUS 24:18].
The Israelites spent 40 years wandering the desert [DEUTEROMONY 8:2-5].
Jesus had gotten tempted for 40 days/nights [MATTHEW 4:2]

What the author, Scott Douglas, has done in his book, is to give his readers an examination of what had transpired during these 40 days/nights. Mr. Douglas points the small occurring details that ultimately caused individuals like Peter and John to become the powerhouses of the Lord after His resurrection. What I liked most about the writing of this book is that it had not been overhandling spiritual, Mr. Douglas wrote it so it could easily get understood by the masses of individuals that might read this book, and it, for this reason, I’ve given Mr. Douglas and his book 5 STARS.

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