Monday, February 10, 2020

NONFICTION BOOK REVIEW #2020-006 - Christianity without Religion: Following Jesus all by yourself


I read this book via an Amazon KINDLE Unlimited download.

One of the things I dislike is when someone asks me, “What is your religion?” When I get asked this question, I asked the same question back at the inquisitor, and they usually get shocked/indignant when I do. These days with all of the nonfiction Christian books I read/review, I tell these inquisitors to look at my reviews to realize what beliefs are.

Why does it matter so much to them? I’m not who prays to idols or another inanimate object, I believe in a single entity with whom I place my belief. And if anyone believes in Christianity, what difference does it make if you’re: Baptist, Catholic, LDS, Methodist, Presbyterian, or SDA, we all believe in the same Lord, although our doctrine might be slightly different what Christian believer doesn’t know The Lord’s Prayer, sometimes also known as Our Father Prayer. Isn’t this brief prayer, something which gets taught to children as young as possible, which they can recite by heart.

The unfortunate thing about denominations is to look at all of the unnecessary conflicts that have arisen because of it. If the truth gets told, religion with all of its dogmas has nothing to do with one’s faith in the Lord. And if one doesn’t go to their particular church, their behavior gets frown upon as not belonging to the religious individual; their church wants them to act like the rest of the church’s congregants.

What the author of this book, Mike Murphy, has done, is for his readers to develop a different mindset that goes away from any religious aspect of their religion. He desires them to realize that to be a decent Christian; all one needs to do is to follow the Lord’s words and teachings contained in the Bible. But don’t get caught up with which version of the Bible you need to read for each version is essentially the same with merely a different spin on how each verse has gotten written.

For opening his readers' eyes and minds to what they’ve been missing regarding being a faithful Christian, as a rather voracious reader of nonfiction Christian, I’ve given Mr. Murphy the FIVE STARS he’s gotten from me.


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