Tuesday, May 12, 2020

NONFICTION BOOK REVIEW #2020-055 No Half-Truths Allowed Study Guide: Understanding the Complete Gospel Message


In searching the Bible for a verse that would appropriately describe the feelings of the two authors who this book, I believe the best verse would be what we read in JOHN 17:8 [NKJV]

“For I have given to them the words which You have given Me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came forth from You; and they have believed that You sent Me.”

The authors of this book, Christine Paxson and Rose Spiller, took the task they’d created for themselves in writing “No Half-Truths Allowed Study Guide: Understanding the Complete Gospel Message” seriously. In writing this study guide book to accompany their book of the same name, they followed what DEUTERONOMY 11:19 [NKJV] tells parents to do with their children:

“You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.”

The reason I’ve mentioned this is the way the book has gotten written. The book gets broken down into 11 lessons, with each lesson leading into the next lesson. Just like with a child, you can’t rush into the real heart of each lesson; you need to slowly build up what is getting presented until the purpose of the lesson has gotten reached. Each lesson is not merely words getting imparted to the book’s readers, each lesson is fraught with engaging exercises and thought processes for them to complete, at the end the authors summarize the intended purpose of each lesson just presented.

For wanting to enhance the learning experience, their readers can receive from the actual book regarding the gospel in a manner that is devoid of any half-truths and any lies regarding the Lord and who He is. And for creating an adult Sunday School atmosphere for their readers, I’ve given Ms. Paxson and Ms. Spiller the 5 STARS they richly deserve

Amazon Review/Buy link:

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